Delta Queen
The legendary Delta Queen is a National Historic Landmark owned by Delta Queen Steamboat Company. Built in 1926 Delta Queen was the world's oldest paddle steamer undertaking overnight voyages before being laid-up.. A plethora of information on Delta Queen is available at, 360 degree interactive panoramas from aboard Delta Queen are available at 'The Delta Queen Pano Blog'. Delta King - the sistership of Delta Queen - is operated as a hotel in Sacramento, California. The material used for the clips presented on this page was recorded during a cruise following the Tall Stacks Festival 2006 in Cincinnati.
Delta Queen - IMO: 8643327 @ MarineTraffic

Delta Queen Parade of Tall Stacks 2006

Dawn on the Tenessee river aboard Delta Queen

Evening on the Ohio river aboard Delta Queen

Boarding Delta Queen at Henderson, KY

The Forward Cabin Lounge aboard Delta Queen

The Betty Blake Lounge aboard Delta Queen

The Texas Lounge aboard Delta Queen

Lunch in the Orleans Room aboard Delta Queen

Dinner in the Orleans Room aboard Delta Queen

The Calliope of Delta Queen - short version

The Calliope of Delta Queen - Evening concert

The Calliope of Delta Queen - long version

The steam engine of Delta Queen

The pilothouse aboard Delta Queen

Stack Up! aboard Delta Queen

Stack Down! aboard Delta Queen

The Paddlewheel of Delta Queen

The Sun Deck aboard Delta Queen

The Texas Deck aboard Delta Queen

The Cabin Deck aboard Delta Queen

Delta Queen passes Cincinnati

Leaving Cincinnati aboard Delta Queen

Delta Queen changes berth in Cincinnati

Arriving in Florence, AL aboard Delta Queen

Transiting Wheeler dam lock aboard Delta Queen