1. What is the purpose of this website?
  2. Is this a commercial website?
  3. Is this website affiliated to any company or other institution?
  4. Why are there mainly video clips on ships?
  5. Who filmed all these clips?
  6. How old is this webpage?
  7. What is the oldest footage shared on this webpage?
  8. Why is there no music?
  9. What do you mean with 'guest contribution'?
  10. Can you host my videos on this page?
  11. Is there a social-media presence for this webpage?
  12. How can I contact the webmaster?
  13. Who programmed this webpage?

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of this website?

This is the private webpage of Ernst Galutschek. The purpose of this webpage is sharing video clips, photos and other content with friends and anyone else who may be interested. Video clips on ships - shipvideos.net - presented in an encyclopedic manner are for now the focus of this website's public section, only a few links on other topics are available.

2. Is this a commercial website?

No, this is not a commercial website. No income is earned from operating this website. The costs for equipment, travelling, hosting the website etc. are all covered by Ernst Galutschek.

3. Is this website affiliated to any company or other institution?

No, this a private website not affilliated to any company or institution.

4. Why are there mainly video clips on ships?

I decided to make some of my video material on ships publicly accessible since this is a topic where I felt I was able to contribute when I started to work in this page in 2005.

5. Who filmed all these clips?

If not otherwise stated, all clips have been filmed and edited by Ernst Galutschek. Only the clips marked as 'guest contribution' have not been filmed by Ernst Galutschek.

6. How old is this webpage?

Work on this page started in 2005. 18th of February 2007 the URL to the ship video section was published at Cruise Talk. Here you can find previous versions of this webpage: WayBackMachine - web.archive.org - ships.galutschek.at first 'snapshot' - 30th of April 2007

7. What is the oldest footage shared on this webpage?

The oldest footage is the video on the departure of Royal Viking Sky from Helsinki recorded in July 1989 when I got my first camcorder.

8. Why is there no music?

There are several reasons why I do not add any music to the videos I present on this page. Besides copyright issues I want to modify the material as little as possible. I consider this to be consistent with my attempt to present the material in an encyclopedic manner.

9. What do you mean with 'guest contribution'?

Guest contributions are clips compiled of material of friends of mine surrendered for publication on this website.

10. Can you host my videos on this page?

It is my policy to only host video material of copyright holders I know personally.

11. Is there a social-media presence for this webpage?

Yes. There is a Facebook presence for the ship videos section of this page: Ship Video Clips @ Facebook. Beside that you can easily find my personal profiles on various platforms.

12. How can I contact the webmaster?

Send an e-mail to: webmaster@galutschek.at

13. Who programmed this webpage?

2024 the original html code was replaced by a bespoke state-of-the-art solution programmed by s-e-b.co